D.T. Read

The Sergey Chronicles

Ganwold's Child
Echoes of Issel
Tentacles of the Dominion 3D

The Seventh Shaman

Running from the Gods 3D cover
Mountain of the Gods
Crucible of the Gods
Apprentice to the Gods 3D
Trial by the Gods


Superstitions Anthology

From abandoned mines and forgotten trails, to Native American ruins and an apple orchard, the Superstition Mountains are full of history and intrigue.

Forming the eastern border of Arizona’s Valley of the Sun, the Superstitions have not only been an incredible source of beauty and outdoor adventure, but also a place riddled with superstition and mystery.

Mirages Cover Art

Is the glimmer on the horizon a lake, shimmering under the hot desert sunĂ– or a flying saucer visiting from a distant planet? Are those swirling clouds dust devils or djinn? Visit the high mountain deserts, scorching sands, and wind-swept plateaus of worlds both futuristic and fantastic in MIRAGES AND SPECULATIONS: Science fiction and fantasy from the desert.